Last week on November 25 we had to put down our cat Emi. I miss her dearly. She was already 7 years old when I adopted her and she was with me through a good chunk of my adult life. She outlasted three relationships. She was a constant source of joy and comforted me through some hard times. So much of my life revolved around her. I miss coming home and having her greet me at the door. I miss waking up in the morning to her trying to get my attention just before my alarm was set to go off and hitting the snooze button and just petting her for a bit before getting up. I miss her getting in the shower with me and getting soaked and tracking water everywhere before I can catch her to dry her off. I miss her jumping into my lap whenever I sat down. I miss her watching me lay down at night and jumping on me as soon as I get comfortable and making herself cozy too. I even miss her jumping on the counters and getting under my feet when I’m trying to do anything in the kitchen. I miss her purrs and the excited meows she’d do when I’d get her treats or turn on the water. I’ve never met a cat that loved water as much as her. She’d jump on the bathroom counter and I’d run the tap for her to drink and play in.
I love her so much and I feel so empty without her. The apartment seems too still and quiet. My heart has broken so many times this past week seeing things that remind me of her and going through life without her. She will always be in my heart and I will always be grateful for having her in my life.

I will always love you, Emi.
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