Author: Spears Dracona
New Years Resolutions (Part 1)
I’m made two New Year’s resolutions this year. And they are both kind of big overarching goals for the direction I want to take my life this next year that come with a bunch of smaller goals. So I figured each one deserves its own post. Hence, why this is part 1. My New Year’s… Read more…
Last week on November 25 we had to put down our cat Emi. I miss her dearly. She was already 7 years old when I adopted her and she was with me through a good chunk of my adult life. She outlasted three relationships. She was a constant source of joy and comforted me through… Read more…
Lospec Yearbook Collab
I made this for the Lospec Yearbook collab. Really looking forward to seeing what everyone else makes. I’m definitely in my cute goblin era of my life right now. Read more…
A little life update
Life’s been kind of crazy. I guess that’s always the case. I know I haven’t posted in a couple weeks but that’s more based on lack of time and energy than a lack of anything to say. There’s loads of topics where I could go on for pages and pages. I really want to do… Read more…
Some Random Tiles
I was digging through old pictures on my computer to see if I can find anything worth sharing. I found a few things that I’ll get around to sharing in the future. I just ran across this old tileset that I was working on at some point. I have no idea what this was even… Read more…
Things I’m Working on Right Now
I’ve got a few things in the works right now. I’ve got a few graphics I want to make for the site. They’re still ideas in my head right now, but they should be up here in the coming weeks. I am also working on an unfinished piece from last year. It’s a witch sitting… Read more…
I finally got around to finishing my character’s picture for a D&D game I joined a few months back. I was hoping to finish this before the first session so I would have a picture to use in Roll20. That didn’t end up happening. What did end up happening was I cropped it down to… Read more…
Cleaning out a 20 year old email account
I’ve had my main email account since the summer of 2004. And until this past week, I rarely, if ever, deleted anything. And for the past year and a half, I haven’t really read much of anything either. A combination of depression, ADHD, and a massive sense of overwhelm both by life in general and… Read more…
Some Art From 2021
I haven’t had a lot of time for pixel art in recent years. The last time I was making a lot of pixel art was 2021. Here are some highlights from that era of my life. This is Rosha. She’s a character I was playing in a D&D game at the time. I still really… Read more…
Let’s Stop Judging Website Visitors For Their Devices
As I’ve gotten more into the small web, the personal web, whatever you want to call it, I have noticed a lot of anti-phone sentiment. There is no shortage of websites with notices that their website is made for desktop browsers, not mobile devices. That, in itself, is not great, but not terrible, but there… Read more…