
  • 1-Bit Lake at Night

    This is a remake of my very first attempt at 1-bit pixel art. Here is the original from 2010: Goes to show what a difference 15 years can make!

  • New Years Resolutions (Part 1)

    I’m made two New Year’s resolutions this year. And they are both kind of big overarching goals for the direction I want to take my life this next year that come with a bunch of smaller goals. So I figured each one deserves its own post. Hence, why this is part 1. My New Year’s…

  • Emi

    Last week on November 25 we had to put down our cat Emi. I miss her dearly. She was already 7 years old when I adopted her and she was with me through a good chunk of my adult life. She outlasted three relationships. She was a constant source of joy and comforted me through…

  • Lospec Yearbook Collab

    I made this for the Lospec Yearbook collab. Really looking forward to seeing what everyone else makes. I’m definitely in my cute goblin era of my life right now.

  • A little life update

    Life’s been kind of crazy. I guess that’s always the case. I know I haven’t posted in a couple weeks but that’s more based on lack of time and energy than a lack of anything to say. There’s loads of topics where I could go on for pages and pages. I really want to do…

  • Some Random Tiles

    I was digging through old pictures on my computer to see if I can find anything worth sharing. I found a few things that I’ll get around to sharing in the future. I just ran across this old tileset that I was working on at some point. I have no idea what this was even…

  • Things I’m Working on Right Now

    I’ve got a few things in the works right now. I’ve got a few graphics I want to make for the site. They’re still ideas in my head right now, but they should be up here in the coming weeks. I am also working on an unfinished piece from last year. It’s a witch sitting…

  • Wolfheart

    I finally got around to finishing my character’s picture for a D&D game I joined a few months back. I was hoping to finish this before the first session so I would have a picture to use in Roll20. That didn’t end up happening. What did end up happening was I cropped it down to…

  • Cleaning out a 20 year old email account

    I’ve had my main email account since the summer of 2004. And until this past week, I rarely, if ever, deleted anything. And for the past year and a half, I haven’t really read much of anything either. A combination of depression, ADHD, and a massive sense of overwhelm both by life in general and…

  • Some Art From 2021

    I haven’t had a lot of time for pixel art in recent years. The last time I was making a lot of pixel art was 2021. Here are some highlights from that era of my life. This is Rosha. She’s a character I was playing in a D&D game at the time. I still really…