I’ve got a few things in the works right now. I’ve got a few graphics I want to make for the site. They’re still ideas in my head right now, but they should be up here in the coming weeks. I am also working on an unfinished piece from last year. It’s a witch sitting on top of a giant pumpkin. I remembered it and felt inspired to finish it as a pixel art piece instead of as high resolution art. Pixel art is just easier for me. My hands shake too much to get good lines. My work flow in any form of art generally consists of a lot of messing around until I get it to look right.
That’s why I like digital art over drawing on paper. I like being able to select a whole section and move it over if I realize something is in the wrong spot. It’s easier to adjust things like composition and anatomy without having to erase a whole bunch. My roughest drafts generally look like a mess from moving, rotating, and scaling things until I get the proportions right. Then I usually do a layer on top of that to refine it more, adjust that a bit, and only then get around to making the final line art. I don’t think I actually have much inate aptitude for art, I’m just stubborn enough to keep trying. (That’s why I am a big proponent of the idea that talent is a myth. People have skill, not talent. And skill is a combination of aptitude and how much work you put into it. Some people learn different skills faster than others, but the time you put into it is far more important. That might be a topic I want to elaborate on in a future blog post.)
This drawing from last year has so much wrong with it that I’m having to fix a lot. Her legs were oddly proportioned. I think I hadn’t considered the foreshortening of the thighs in the sitting position. Plus I wanted to move her over a bit and slightly change how she was sitting (since she’s facing more to the side now). But if she’s sitting to the side of the pumpkin, that leaves room for a cat on the other side. And as we all know, everything is better with cats. Maybe this year I’ll finish it before winter. I’m finishing things a little bit more lately.
Here’s the WIP. It’s not often that I show people things before they are finished. And this is after quite a bit of refinement already. And trust me, there’s a lot more to go before it’s even finished.

I’ll probably post a few older things in between the new stuff just to get a little bit more content on this site. I really only have so much that I can post though before all that’s left are things that are so old that they look horrible to me.
But yeah, I’m planning on finishing this, then I have another kind of big overly ambitious thing I want to make… Maybe I should just make some tiny dolls in between to keep myself from burning out on this bigger pieces.
But anyway, I am tired and probably just rambling. I should get some sleep; I’ve got an appointment tomorrow. If anyone actually reads this, I wish you well and thank you for visiting my site.
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