Latest Blog Posts
Things I’m Working on Right Now
I’ve got a few things in the works right now. I’ve got a few graphics I want to make for the site. They’re still ideas in my head right now, but they should be up here in the coming weeks. I am also working on an unfinished piece from last year. It’s a witch sitting […] Read more…
Cleaning out a 20 year old email account
I’ve had my main email account since the summer of 2004. And until this past week, I rarely, if ever, deleted anything. And for the past year and a half, I haven’t really read much of anything either. A combination of depression, ADHD, and a massive sense of overwhelm both by life in general and […] Read more…
Let’s Stop Judging Website Visitors For Their Devices
As I’ve gotten more into the small web, the personal web, whatever you want to call it, I have noticed a lot of anti-phone sentiment. There is no shortage of websites with notices that their website is made for desktop browsers, not mobile devices. That, in itself, is not great, but not terrible, but there […] Read more…